B Beems (Belle)
PhD candidate - Interdisciplinary Hub for Digitalization and Society
PhD candidate - International and European Law
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9010
Belle Beems works as a PhD candidate at the department International and European Law at the Radboud University. Her research is focused on public enforcement of competition, data protection, and the DMA on personal data markets. She is particularly interested in cooperation and coordination between different enforcers. She is also engaged in teaching activities, and lectures on competition law and internal market law.
Belle obtained her Bachelor degree (cum laude) at Utrecht University. She participated in the Utrecht Law College, the Honours Programme of the Faculty of Law. During her Bachelor Belle studied a semester at University College Dublin. In 2018 she graduated (cum laude) from her Master European Law at Utrecht University. Before joining Radboud University, she worked as a research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Consumer, Competition and Market at KU Leuven. Belle conducted research stays at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. She is also active as board member of the Dutch Association for European Law (de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Europees Recht).