Dr G. Berretz (Gesa)

Postdoc - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Postdoc - Predictive Brain

Dr G. Berretz (Gesa)
Visiting address

Kapittelweg 29

Postal address

Postbus 9101

The brain is fundamentally asymmetric in its structure and function: each half of the brain is dominant for specific tasks and information is shared across the corpus callosum - the white matter tract connecting the hemispheres. In my previous research, I investigated the influence of acute stress on hemispheric asymmetries and interhemispheric communication with EEG.
Language processing is one of the most investigated lateralized functions. There is ample evidence that hemispheric differences in the representation of communication sounds exist in ‘mice and men’. Auditory processing involves the prediction of incoming input and the comparison of said predictions to the actual auditory signal and the resulting prediction errors inform the whole processing stream. In our project, we plan to investigate the hemispheric differences in predictive coding in mice with 2-photon imaging and in humans with MEG.

Ancillary activities