Prof. U. Brandt (Ulrich)
Professor - Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc)
Geert Grooteplein Zuid 22
6525 GA Nijmegen
Internal postal code: 772
Members of the media are kindly requested to contact the press office of Radboud university medical center, tel. + 31 (024) 361 89 10.
We study the structure and function of respiratory chain complex I and have elucidated its architecture by X‐ray crystallography. More recently, we have expanded our studies to mitochondria as a whole and mitochondrial redox‐signaling in order to bridge classical bioenergetics and the exciting developments in cell biology and the central role of mitochondria in apoptosis, degenerative disorders and ageing. We have established complexome profiling and demonstrated that it allows the discovery of functionally important components of macromolecular assemblies and assembly intermediates. Current research projects include crystallization and mutagenesis of complex I for structure/function analysis, including the measurement of proton translocation and ROS formation.