Dr D.M. van den Brink (Daan)
Employee - Plant & Animal Biology
Heyendaalseweg 135
Internal postal code: 30
Postbus 9010
My scientific interest is to discover the small details of how a cell works individually and in relation to other cells by using the microscope. I am particularly interested in visualizing and quantifying cellular and subcellular dynamics using the latest techniques in microscopy. For this I am putting in place new techniques that can cope with the unique challenges of imaging cell division in growing roots, for instance.
Once I have obtained the pictures, my work involves down-stream quantitative image analysis like cell segmentation and tracking using specialized software tools such as Fiji or Imaris. I carry out most of my work in close collaboration with or in support of other investigators in the team as well as with the imaging specialist at the light microscopy platform. The ultimate goal is to couple the data from the imaging with other techniques we use, such as single-cell multi-omics and computational modelling.
daan.vandenbrink [at] ru.nl