Dr J. Copier (Jorien)
Teacher - Empirical and practical religious studies
Researcher - Empirical and practical religious studies
Researcher - Kaski
Member - Representative Council Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
Postbus 6656
Jorien Copier (1989) studied Liberal Arts & Sciences at Utrecht University with a major in cultural anthropology and religious studies. She completed her research master in religious studies at the University of Amsterdam (cum laude) with a study into contemporary miracle stories. Thereafter she obtained her teaching-degree at VU University Amsterdam, with which she taught worldview education at a secondary school in Amsterdam.
Since 2015, she has been appointed at Radboud University Nijmegen, where she, from 2020 on, works as (qualitative) researcher at Kaski, Research and Expertise Center for Religion and Society.
She also provides (qualitative empirical methods) teaching and supervises theses in the BA and MA Religious Studies and Theology.
Her research focuses on (the religious dimension of) vision and identity development (a.o. in education), religious illiteracy, religious experiences and the renewal and vitality of/in faith communities.
Her PhD research 'Stories about Good Education,' focused on primary school leaders and how they initiate and conduct the dialogue about school identity and good education in their teams.
From 2015-2020 she fulfilled the task of curriculum coordinator at the national research school for religious studies and theology NOSTER.