Dr M.A.M. Drenthen (Martin)
Associate professor of philosophy - Institute for Science in Society
Heyendaalseweg 135
Internal postal code: 77
Postbus 9010
Martin Drenthen is environmental philosopher. His most recent research focuses on ethical issues involving the resurgence of large animals, notably the wolf.
He is one of the principal investigators of the project WildlifeNL (2023-2030), which involves a large consortium of scientists from different disciplines, practitioners and societal stakeholders exploring new forms of wildlife management in which the latest insights from social science, philosophy, ecology and engineering are combined. The project focuses on the development of new technologies, governance arrangements and communication strategies that can contribute to low-conflict coexistence of humans and wildlife.
In 2012, he was awarded a VIDI Innovation Research Incentive Grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for a 5-year project “Reading the Landscape: A Hermeneutic Approach to Environmental Ethics,” about moral conflicts arising from ongoing, large-scale landscape changes in Europe, notably as result of rewilding. The project developed a novel approach to environmental ethics, that recognizes the role of narratives in human relations with environments and acknowledges the close relation between landscape interpretations and notions of (moral) identity.
He has published many papers in edited academic volumes and peer reviewed journals in environmental philosophy.
He is co-editor of these academic volumes:
M. Drenthen & J. Keulartz (eds.).2014. Old World and New World Perspectives in Environmental Philosophy. Transatlantic Conversations. (Springer).
M. Drenthen & J. Keulartz (eds.) 2014. Environmental Aesthetics. Crossing Divides and Breaking Ground. (Fordham University Press).
F. Clingerman, M. Drenthen, B. Treanor & D. Utsler (eds.) 2013. Interpreting Nature. The Emerging Field of Environmental Hermeneutics. (Fordham University Press).
M. Drenthen, J. Keulartz, & J. Proctor (eds.) 2009. New Visions of Nature: Complexity and Authenticity. (Springer).
- human-wildlife coexistence