J.G.C. van Driel (Stan)

Teacher - International and European Law

J.G.C. van Driel (Stan)
Visiting address

Montessorilaan 10

Postal address

Postbus 9049

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Stan van Driel (1997) studied European law at the Radboud University. In 2018, he also studied abroad for half a year at the City University of Hong Kong. In 2022, he completed his master's degree in European Law, specialization Business Law, cum laude. During his master's program, he conducted comparative law research on the private enforcement of competition law in the United States and the European Union. He also held a student assistantship at the Civil Law Department.

Stan is junior-lecturer and PhD candidate at the Research Centre for State and Law and the Business Law Institute. He lectures on competition law and internal market law. For his PhD he is researching collective redress in cartel damages litigation within the European Union, more specifically the Netherlands and Germany. Acting as promoters are prof. mr. J.W. (Johan) van de Gronden and prof. dr. mr. A.U. (André) Janssen.

Research group
  • Onderzoekscentrum Staat en Recht (SteR), Onderzoekscentrum Onderneming en Recht (OO&R)


Ancillary activities