Dr S.P. Dudink (Stefan)

Assistant professor - Gender & Diversity
Assistant professor - Radboud Social Cultural Research
Assistant professor - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

Dr S.P. Dudink (Stefan)
Postal address

In my courses for Gender and Diversity studies I introduce students to research that emphasizes the social and cultural aspects of sexuality. The historical variability and socio-cultural diversity of, as well as political conflicts over, sexuality, are central to my teaching. I teach introductory courses sexuality studies, as well as courses on sexuality and history, globalization, and media culture.

As researcher with the History Department I concentrate on the meanings of gender and sexuality in modern Dutch and Western political and military culture. I concentrate in particular on meanings of masculinity in nationalism, national identity, monarchy, citizenship and military service, and on the meanings of homosexuality in conflicts over national identity, immigration, and multiculturalism.


Research grants and prizes


Ancillary activities