Prof. M.I. Fedorova (Masha)
Professor - Criminal Law and Criminology
Montessorilaan 10
Postbus 9049
Masha Fedorova is Full Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law and Head of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Faculty of Law of Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Fedorova is also a part-time judge in the criminal law section of the District Court in ’s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. Furthermore, she is a member of the Legal Experts Advisory Panel (LEAP) of Fair Trials International and a member of the editorial board of Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten (NTM/ NJCM Bulletin), one of the leading academic journals on human rights in the Netherlands as well as international peer-reviewed open access journal Transnational Criminal Law Review (TCLR). Fedorova specializes in Dutch substantive criminal law and criminal procedure law; international, transnational and EU criminal law; and human rights law (with an emphasis on the UN, EU and ECHR framework). Her principal research interest is the interaction between and mutual influence of these different areas of law. Alongside the research on the international drug control system, she conducted research, amongst others, on the appropriateness of certain legislative initiatives in the Netherlands in the fight against the so-called ‘foreign terrorist fighters’ from the perspective of fundamental principles of substantive criminal law, human rights law and public international law; on the concepts of fairness and equality of arms in international criminal proceedings; on appeal proceedings in Dutch criminal law and on the fair trial concept and the rights of the defense in Article 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights.
Research theme Research group- Interaction international and national law; Digital Legal Studies