N. Galego Marques Atalaia Rodrigues (Nuno) MA

Teacher - Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Former PhD candidate - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

N. Galego Marques Atalaia Rodrigues (Nuno) MA
Postal address

Postbus 9103

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Nuno Atalaia is a Portuguese researcher, teacher, and musician residing in the Netherlands. His artistic work and research explore the intersections between new media, performance, and the history of human vocality. He has a BA and a research MA in Historical Informed Performance in Wind Instruments from the Den Haag Royal Conservatorium, and a research MA in Cultural and Art Studies from Leiden University.
Currently, he is completing a doctoral project at Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, supervised by Dr. Niels Niessen and by Prof. Dr. Anneke Smelik. His doctoral work is funded by the European Research Commission (ERC) within the project “Platform Discourses: A Critical Humanities Approach to the Texts, Images and Moving Images Produced by Tech Companies”. His dissertation – “Resonant Interfaces: Apostrophe and Interpellation in the Age of Talking Machines” – is dedicated to the historical study and cultural critique of vocal interfaces associated with the great western digital platforms – “Siri” by Apple, “Cortana” by Microsoft, “ Alexa” by Amazon, and “Assistant” by Google.
He is also co-director of the musical group Seconda Prat!ca, with which he has presented concerts and led seminars and workshops around the world. With the same group, he has already released two albums dedicated to the Ibero-American and European musical heritage of the Renaissance and Baroque.

Research group


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