G.J. Geels (Jorrit)

PhD candidate - Interdisciplinary Hub for Digitalization and Society

G.J. Geels (Jorrit)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

I am researching the perception of technology: how ordinary people like you and me form an image of it and how we understand it. By mapping this out, we can make technology more intuitive and user-friendly.

Additionally, I am investigating how technology influences human behavior and thoughts. From this perspective, I aim to redesign technology more fairly, with the goal that users ultimately have more control over the technology and can use it for their own purposes, rather than being influenced by it.

For example, think about making privacy choices on the internet, such as with cookies or sharing your location with a website. How do people make these choices? How can a website ensure that you make a choice that suits you?

For my research, I work within the Data Science group of the Computing and Information Sciences institute. Additionally, I am affiliated with the interdisciplinary research group 'iHub' at Radboud University. Here, I conduct research together with lawyers, philosophers, and language, computer, behavioral, and management scientists on the impact of digitalization on society in the broadest sense.

Ancillary activities