Dr G.V.M. van Ginkel (Gisbert)
Assistant professor - Radboud Teachers Academy
Teacher Ambassador - Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9103
Gisbert van Ginkel works as an Assistant Professor at Radboud Teachers Academy. His research intersts span teacher learning in a broad sense: professional identity development of starting teachers, mentored workplace learning, teacher research, creativity of students in secondary education, ecological validity in research with teachers. He has been working in education since 1998, and in teacher education since 2000 as teacher educator, researcher and educational developer. In 2018 he finished his PhD into mentor teachers practical knowledge of adaptive mentoring. Gisbert is coordinator of teacher professionalization at the Radboud Teachers Academy; the induction, training, registration and professionalization of (beginning) teacher educators working at Radboud Teachers Academy.
As a Teacher Ambassador at the Radboud Teaching and Learning Center, he supports teacher expertise, professionalization and teacher research. At the Radboud Teachers Academy this is an integral part of the organizational culture.
A common thread in his work as an educator, researcher and developer is 'making education work': from visions of the profession to instruments and activities to put this into practice. As an educator, he enjoys being in front and in the group and 'teaching what you preach'. As a process supervisor of induction development groups, intervision supervisor and collegial developer, he enjoys thinking and creating together. Gisbert is a member of the examination committee, the curriculum committee, and is the contact person for Brightspace and Portflow.