Dr C Gross (Claudia)
Assistant professor - Organisational Design and Development
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
My work concerns questions such as: how to design organizations that support ethical behavior? How to improve organizational practices? And: how to ‘translate’ academic knowledge into better organizational practices?
Currently, I am particularly interested in two phenomena: How to improve the direct selling and multi-level-marketing industry? And how to help professionals (psychologists, doctors, accountants etc.) to realize the values and goals of their profession within a (business oriented) society that asks for more and more calculative accountability?
I have an interdisciplinary background in Business Administration, Sociology and Philosophy. My research includes a variety of topics, such as organizational control, organizational structures, business ethics, the direct selling industry and management gurus. The most intriguing (research) question for me is, however, how to valorize these insights for society? For the field of direct selling and multi-level-marketing I started to do so via my own website www.fakten-direktvertrieb.de and by serving as an expert on this topic in the media.
- Ethical behavior, transparency, direct selling, multi-level marketing, network-marketing