Dr S. Gryllia (Stella)

Postdoc - Centre for Language Studies
Postdoc - Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Dr S. Gryllia (Stella)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

I am interested in prosody and its interaction with syntax and pragmatics as well as in the role of prosody in processing.

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the project SPRINT: Speech Prosody in Interaction (ERC ADG-835263). As a member of SPRINT I investigate the intonation of Greek spoken in Athens and on Corfu taking into account the phonetic and the pragmatic side of intonation.

Back in 2016, I participated in the project ‘Components of Intonation and the Structure of Intonational Meaning’ (British Academy/Leverhulme, P.P. Amalia Arvaniti) that investigated whether intonation contributes to utterance meaning holistically or whether it consists of primitives each contributing independently, using Greek as a case study.

Back in 2014, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the project Understanding questions (NWO). I investigated the prosody of non-fronted wh-questions and its role in the comprehension of these questions comparing Mandarin Chinese with French.



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