D.W. Heinze (Dirk) MTh
External PhD candidate - Textual, Historical and Systematic studies of Judaism and Christianity
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9103
The importance of the sciences used for dating late antique monuments and their methods of dating, on the basis of the Biblical manuscripts Beratinus, Petropolitanus, Rossanensis, Sinopensis and the Viennese Genesis.
For almost 250 years, late antique manuscripts, papyri, inscriptions, etc. have been dated according to modern scientific methods. But are these methods still up-to-date? In this study, it is examined to what extent certain methods have to be revised in light of recent research results. The methods of paleography, iconography, and New Testament textual criticism are particularly focused upon. In addition to the question of revising methods, there is also the question of the relevance with which (different) sciences are included in dating. It is also crucial which sciences are used superiorly and subordinately. At the moment, paleography is the supreme discipline for dating monuments.
On the basis of the purple manuscripts, this work tries to show that with a revision of the paleographic and iconographic methods these manuscripts can be dated two centuries earlier than assumed in common research. The inclusion of other sciences, such as textual criticism, ceramology, numismatics, etc., also confirms this date.
This results in a possible historical connection with the Bible commission of emperor Constantine.
This study aims to implement an interdisciplinary approach of dating late antique monuments in science in order to increase certainty of dating. One advantage is that including different sciences enables us to better evaluate results and correct them if necessary. Another advantage of an interdisciplinary approach is that the danger of getting lost in single theories of certain sciences is reduced. Furthermore, only an interdisciplinary approach provides reliable dating, especially considering that hardly no late antique manuscripts can be dated precisely.
First supervisor: Prof. D. Müller; Second: Dr. G. Ackermans
- Textual, Hisrorical and Systematic studies of Judaism and Christianity