Dr B.H. Hoorani (Bareerah Hafeez)
Assistant professor - Methods
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Dr. Bareerah Hafeez Hoorani is an Assistant Professor at the Nijmegen School of Management, and is currently working with the Research Methods group. Her work focuses on qualitative methods, by addressing important research considerations such as rigor, case study design, selection strategies, theorizing and the role of time. She is passionate about using responsible methodologies to address grand challenges. Beyond her methodological research, she is also interested in understanding organizational identities, organizational crisis recovery, inter-organizational collaborations, complex technologies and the relationship between humans-robots.
Her work has been published in Journal of World Business, PLOS One, Journal of Informetrics and Scientometrics. She has also co-authored a book on qualitative case study research that has been published by Cambridge University Press in 2023.
She has presented her work at reputable management conferences (e.g., at the British Academy of Management, Academy of Management, European Academy of Management). For her research she has received several awards. She has been recipient of best paper awards five times (Research methodology track at British Academy of Management 2018, 2021,2023; Identity track at British Academy of Management 2021; Academy of Management 2023), and her paper was also nominated for the PhD prize award at Strategic Management Society 2020. She has received grants from the Swiss National Foundation, and the Shadowing grant from Università della Svizzera italiana (USI, Switzerland).
Apart from her research, Bareerah teaches and has taught courses in different universities at varied level (Bachelor, Master, Doctoral). This includes at the MethodsNet Summer School (2022, 2023), the Swiss Summer School in Social Science Methods 2019, and at the Fashion Communication Conference 2019 (Switzerland). Before joining Radboud University, Bareerah was a PhD candidate at USI where she graduated summa cum laude.