Prof. G.J. Hospers (Gert-Jan)

Professor - Geography

Prof. G.J. Hospers (Gert-Jan)
Visiting address

Heyendaalseweg 141

Postal address

Postbus 9108

Working days Friday

Professor Gert-Jan Hospers has an endowed chair at the department of Human Geography, Planning and Environment of Radboud University. Besides, he is director of Stad en Regio, a foundation promoting urban and regional development at a human scale. Gert-Jan, who is also guest professor at the University of Münster since 2024, is interested in urban and regional economics, place marketing and rural issues. Most of his applied research takes place in East Netherlands and Germany. Gert-Jan writes columns for Stadswerk Magazine and gives lectures at various postgraduate educational programmes for professionals. At Radboud University he teaches the courses 'Urban Economics in Europe' and 'Placemaking and Spatial Practice'.

Some recent international publications:
- G.J. Hospers (2024), From export obsession to energy transition: hot topics in German economic geography, European Spatial Research and Policy, 31 (1), pp. 1-7
- G.J. Hospers (2024), Gemeinwohlorientierung in Stadt und Region: niederländische Erfahrungen mit dem breiten Wohlstandskonzept, RaumPlanung, 225 (1), pp. 8-13
- G.J. Hospers & S. Amrhein (eds.) (2023), Coping with Overtourism in Post-Pandemic Europe: Approaches, Experiences and Challenges, LIT, Münster
- G.J. Hospers (2023), Stadt, Land, Klima: a review of recent German contributions to urban studies, European Spatial Research and Policy, 30 (1), pp. 171-177
- S. Amrhein, G.J. Hospers & D. Reiser (2022), Impact of overtourism on residents, in: D. Gursoy & S. Celik (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Social Psychology of Tourism, Routledge, London, pp. 240-250
- M. Bosmann, G.J. Hospers & D. Reiser (2021), Searching for success factors of agritourism: the case of Kleve County (Germany), European Countryside, 13 (3), pp. 644-661

For publications in Dutch and an overview of all publications, see ResearchGate:

Ancillary activities