R.G.R. Hunsucker (Raphaël) MA

Former PhD candidate - Ancient and Medieval History
Former PhD candidate - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

R.G.R. Hunsucker (Raphaël) MA
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

Raphael Hunsucker studied Classics and is currently a PhD-student in Ancient History. His research is about the literary representation of the foundation of Rome and the way it is linked to the city's urban topography in the early Imperial Age and Late Antiquity. He studies historical memory in the Roman world and focusses on the way the legendary past was rewritten and (re)used again and again in later periods, often in accordance with contemporary concerns. His other interests are Roman historiography, prophecy, Latin epic poetry and Medieval Rome.

Ancillary activities