Dr N. Janssen (Noortje)
Assistant professor - Behavioural Science Institute
Assistant professor - Orthopedagogics: Learning and Development
Thomas van Aquinostraat 4
Postbus 9104
Noortje Janssen is an assistant professor in BSI's Learning, Education and Development (LED) program. Her research focuses on metacognition and transfer within problem-solving tasks. She is also a lecturer in the master of educational sciences (e.g., learning processes and perspectives on educational research) and the bachelor of pedagogical sciences (e.g., learning and instruction and alpo-theses).
Her previous research focused on teacher and student learning and development. She guided teachers in conducting practitioner research in her postdoc project and supported them in integrating technology into their teaching during her PhD program. Her research on students focused, among other things, on support for digital testing. She was also involved in research on collaboration, critical thinking and digital literacy of elementary school students.