Prof. L.A.L.M. Kiemeney (Bart)

Professor - Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc)

Prof. L.A.L.M. Kiemeney (Bart)
Visiting address

Kapittelweg 54
6525 EP Nijmegen
Internal postal code: 160

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Members of the media are kindly requested to contact the press office of Radboud university medical center, tel. + 31 (024) 361 89 10.

Prof. Bart Kiemeney is associated with both the Department for Health Evidence (consisting of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Technology Assessment) and the Department of Urology. He conducts epidemiological research on the development and clinical course of bladder and prostate cancer.

He is particularly interested in hereditary susceptibility to these tumours and in lifestyles that increase the risk of tumours. In addition, he investigates the role of these factors on cancer-specific prognosis. The research is often conducted on a very large scale, involving thousands of participants.

For the purpose of this research, large biobanks have been set up, containing the blood of thousands of patients with cancer and, as reference material, the blood of 10,000 citizens of Nijmegen.

Kiemeney is a member of the Scientific Council of the Norwegian Cancer Society. He is also board member of the Research Foundation of the European Association of Urology and board member of the Radboud Fund.


Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities