Dr C.A.N. Knoop-van Campen (Carolien)
Assistant professor - Behavioural Science Institute
Assistant professor - Orthopedagogics: Learning and Development
Dr. Carolien Knoop-van Campen is an assistant professor at the Behavioural Science Institute and Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Sciences program of Radboud University (RU), The Netherlands.
Her research areas are multimedia learning, dyslexia, reading strategies, adaptive learning technologies, teacher dashboards, self-regulation, and twice-exceptional students. Although diverse, all these aspects center around the questions ‘How do children and adolescents learn’ and ‘How can we improve their learning’.
Carolien Knoop-van Campen obtained her Bachelor in Pedagogy at the Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, and her Bachelor in Pedagogical and Educational Sciences at the RU. To pursue both her interest in research and her ambition to be practically relevant, she first completed the two-year Research Master’s degree in Behavioral Science (RU) and then obtained her diagnostic qualification as a child psychologist (orthopedagoog).
In 2022 she defended her dissertation 'Multimedia Learning and Dyslexia' supervised by prof. Eliane Segers and prof. Ludo Verhoeven at the Behavioural Science Institute (RU). In her dissertation, Carolien investigated the extent to which audio support affected learning processes and learning outcomes in children and adults with dyslexia.
In addition to her PhD research, from 2014 onwards Carolien has been working within the Adaptive Learning Lab (ALL, RU) on research into adaptive learning environments and teacher dashboards, where she continued to work as a postdoc with prof. Inge Molenaar and currently as assistant professor. She was also involved as a postdoc on the ‘Tussen wal en schip’ project of prof. Evelyn Kroesbergen on twice-exceptional students.
Carolien is co-promotor on three projects (Hybrid human-AI regulation, Teacher SRL-dashboards, and Embodiment and reading comprehension) and works together with dr. Ellen Kok (UU) on research into the application of eye-tracking data in reading.