Prof. E. van der Krabben (Erwin)
Professor - Planning
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Erwin van der Krabben was in 2010 appointed as Professor of Planning and Property Development in the Department of Planning (Radboud University). From 2011 to 2018 he also held a (0.2) position as a Professor of Real Estate in the School of the Built Environment (University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland). From 2018 he is a visiting professor to Hong Kong University (HK). A substantial part of his recent work concentrates on land management policies, financial instruments and value capturing related to urban regeneration projects and the financing of public infrastructure, both in a Dutch context and internationally. At the moment, he works on several research projects focusing on innovative governance and finance solutions for urban development and transit oriented development. Internationally, he works and has worked in China, Indonesia, Vietnam, South-Korea, Taiwan, Europe, the United States and Brazil and is frequently involved in international research.
Professionally, Erwin van der Krabben regularly advices to local, regional and national authorities in the field of land policy, value capturing and transit oriented developments and is frequently invited to address both national and international audiences (industry and government) on topics like value capturing and transit oriented developments. See link after personal website for full cv.