Prof. M. van Leeuwen (Mathijs)

Professor - Centre for International Conflict Analysis & Management

Prof. M. van Leeuwen (Mathijs)
Visiting address

Heyendaalseweg 141

Postal address

Postbus 9108

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Mathijs van Leeuwen is a rural development sociologist, who specialises in conflict and peacebuilding in developing countries. After his graduation at Wageningen University in 1999, he worked as a researcher at Clingendael, and with various NGOs in Kenya, Sudan, Guatemala and Bolivia. His PhD research at Wageningen Disaster Studies (2004-2008) concerned discourses and practices of civil society peacebuilding and their international support, with fieldwork in a.o. Burundi and Guatemala.

Since 2009, Mathijs works at the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (CICAM). His current research work focuses on land disputes, post-conflict land reform, local peacebuilding, state formation, and the discourses of intervening organizations on conflict and peace. Many of his research projects are interactive in nature, and challenge policy makers and practitioners from development organizations to critically reflect on their own work and on the implications of research findings for policy and intervention.

Mathijs is coordinator of the master-tracks ‘Conflict, Territories and Identities’ and ‘Conflict, Power & Politics’ and currently teaches the following courses:
• Conflicting Theories; Applying Theoretical Approaches of Conflicts
• Natural Resources, Conflict & Governance
• Inleiding Conflict Analyse
• Master Thesis supervision

Research group



Ancillary activities