Prof. S.C.G. Leeuwenburgh (Sander)

Professor - Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc)

Prof. S.C.G. Leeuwenburgh (Sander)
Visiting address

Philips van Leydenlaan 25/Erasmuslaan 1
6525 EX Nijmegen (UMCN)
Internal postal code: 309

Members of the media are kindly requested to contact the press office of Radboud university medical center, tel. + 31 (024) 361 89 10.

In 2001 Sander Leeuwenburgh (Gouda, 1977) received his Master’s degree (cum laude) in Materials Science and Engineering from Delft University of Technology. In the same year he started his doctoral research at the Department of Dentistry of Radboud university medical center. He also studied piano at the Conservatory of Music in Arnhem, where he received a Master’s degree in 2005 (cum laude). In 2006 he obtained his PhD degree (cum laude) at Radboud University on the application of bioceramic coatings onto bone-substituting implants.

Leeuwenburgh was visiting scholar at Rice University in Houston (USA) and Kyoto University in Kyoto (Japan). Since 2006 he has been appointed at the Department of Dentistry of Radboud university medical center, as of 2018 as professor Regenerative Biomaterials. Sander Leeuwenburgh has received several scholarships for his research, including a VENI, VIDI and VICI grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). His main research interest includes the design of injectable and self-healing biomaterials which are able to stimulate the regeneration of lost or damaged tissues by triggering the natural self-healing capacity of the human body.


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