Dr R. Meuleman (Roza)
Assistant professor - Radboud Social Cultural Research
Assistant professor - Sociology
Roza Meuleman is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Sociology at the Radboud University and an affiliate of the research institute Radboud Social Cultural Research (RSCR) and the Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS).
She specializes in researching social inequality and diversity in the job market. Her main research focus is on social and cultural capital, exploring how these resources are translated into inter-generational and intra-generational occupational advantages. She investigates how resources can either foster mobility or perpetuate inequality, shaping access to desirable positions and promoting advancement in terms of earnings, social mobility, and promotion.
A common thread in her work is examining the role of cultural tastes in forming and maintaining social networks and how this influences occupational success. She received a NWO Veni Grant in this field.
Her research also includes studying how social and cultural network resources contribute to gender differences in occupational success. In 2023, she was awarded a NWO OC XS Grant to investigate how unequal network composition and unequal network returns explain gender disparities in career success.
Within her research lines, Roza has extensive experience in organizing large-scale (inter)national longitudinal data collections, such as the European Social Survey and Family Survey of the Dutch Population, and she collaborated with the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences (LISS/Centerdata) on various data collections.