Dr L. Munteán (László)

Assistant professor - Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Assistant professor - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

Dr L. Munteán (László)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

László Munteán is an assistant professor of Cultural Studies and American Studies at Radboud University. His publications have focused on the memorialization of 9/11 in literature and the visual arts, American cities and architecture, as well as the architectural heritage of Budapest. In a broader sense, his scholarly work revolves around the juncture of literature, visual culture, material culture, and cultural memory in American and Eastern European contexts. László coordinates the RICH research group Memory, Materiality and Affect. He is co-editor of Materializing Memory in Art and Popular Culture (Routledge, 2017), Animation and Memory (Palgrave, 2020), and Materials of Culture (Transcript, 2023). He is presently working on a book project on the afterlife of the ruins of the World Trade Center.

Research group


Research grants and prizes


Ancillary activities