Prof. M.W.G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden (Ria)
Professor - Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc)
Kapittelweg 54
6525 EP Nijmegen
Internal postal code: 160
Geert Grooteplein-Noord 21
Members of the media are kindly requested to contact the press office of Radboud university medical center, tel. + 31 (024) 361 89 10.
Allied health care includes occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy and aims at preventing or limiting the impact of illness on the participation and functioning in the society. The research of Prof. Ria Nijhuis therefore focuses on the acquisition of adequate knowledge to realize effective, clinically appropriate, safe and efficient interventions. Insight in the underlying mechanisms of motor learning is used to increase the effect of exercise in physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy. Research in the field of clinical practice aims at improving implementation strategies to ensure that proven effective interventions are actually implemented. A major focus in the implementation research is, understanding the stimulating and inhibiting factors in realizing the necessary behavioral change in professionals and patients.