Dr H.E.M. den Ouden (Hanneke)
Principal Investigator - Donders Centre for Cognition
Principal Investigator - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Associate professor - Sensorimotor Neuroscience
Thomas van Aquinostraat 4
Postbus 9104
Hanneke den Ouden is Associate Professor leading the Learning & Decision-making lab at the Donders Centre for Cognition. Her are of research is human learning and decision-making. More specifically, she studies the neural and computational mechanisms that drive our rational and irrational decisions. In the lab, we dissect the role of neuromodulators such as dopamine and serotonin using psychopharmacological interventions, and stimulate (DBS, TUS) and measure (fMRI, EEG, MEG) brain activity to find out which brain circuits are involved. Finally, we study how decision-making is altered in psychiatric disorders like OCD, autism and depression, with the ultimate aim of improving diagnosis and treatment. Hanneke was awarded a Wellcome Trust PhD scholarship, AXA postdoctoral Felloship, Henry Dale Fellowship, Veni and Vidi Awards from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, and the Radboud Science Award.
Research theme Research group