A. Perazzetta (Angel) MA
PhD candidate - Cultural History
PhD candidate - Radboud Institute for Culture and History
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9103
Angel Perazzetta (1995) is a PhD candidate in Cultural History at the Department of History, Art History and Classics. His research concerns gender, the environment and urbanism in Victorian culture and literature. He is generally interested in consumer culture and people's relationships to their material possessions.
His PhD project, "Waste Not, Want Not: How Victorian techno-scientific discourses of waste entered the home" investigates nineteenth-century ideas about waste management, focusing on the waste-related narratives told to (and by) middle-class women. As male sanitary reformers were devising schemes to keep cities clean, how did their their female counterparts think about the work of managing their homes?
Angel has a MA in Cultural Analysis from Leiden University (2021) and a Research Master's in Literary Studies, also from Leiden University (2022). Before then, he studied Foreign Languages and Literatures in Bologna.
He has taught BA and MA courses Victorian literature and culture, Neo-Victorian literature and introductory courses in Literary Studies at Groningen University.