Prof. A.M.J. Ragas (Ad)
Professor - Environmental Science
Director of education - Institute for Biosciences
Heyendaalseweg 135
Internal postal code: 89
Postbus 9010
Ad Ragas (1964) studied biology and obtained his PhD degree at the Radboud University in Nijmegen. He currently holds a position as a full professor in Human and Ecological Risk Assessment at the Environmental Science Cluster of the Radboud University. His main expertise is the modelling of human and ecological risks of chemicals, including (micro)plastics. Within this domain, his focus is on quantifying and assessing uncertainty. He is currently head of the Environmental Science Cluster and director of the educational institute Biosciences. He teaches several academic courses on risk assessment, GIS and statistics. He regularly participates in advisory and working groups on risk assessment of chemicals, e.g. for the European Food & Safety Authority (EFSA) and the Dutch national institute on public health and the environment (RIVM).