Prof. E.A.J.A. Rouwette (Etiënne)
Professor - Methods
Heyendaalseweg 141
Postbus 9108
Etiënne Rouwette lectures on empirical research methods and group decision support methods such as facilitated modeling, multiple scenario development, serious gaming and related action research methods. His research interests include group decision making processes and their effect on participants’ attitudes and behavior. The faculty’s decision rooms play a central role in this research. Etiënne currently supervises Ph.D. researchers interested in negotiation, the use of decision aids in health care, and modeling complex issues in health care, cybersecurity, service delivery and circular economy. As part of this research, Etiënne participated in and conducted a large number of research projects in profit and non-profit organizations. Etiënne is Past President of the System Dynamics Society.