Dr H. Schaap (Harmen)

Assistant professor - Radboud Teachers Academy

Dr H. Schaap (Harmen)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Dr. Harmen Schaap is Assistant Professor at the Radboud Teachers Academy. This function includes a role as teacher educator, coördinator of the two-year teacher education program and educational scientist.

His current research focusses on teacher agency, professional identity tensions and burn-out of both early-career- and experienced teachers. He aims to increase insights into complex interactions. His research shows that different personal (for example self-efficacy and motivation) and contextual factors (for example learning culture, subject teams and leadership in schools) interact with each other, which impact teacher agency and their professional identity tensions.

Results of his studies are used by schools and educational partnerships in developing their teacher induction programs, aiming to guide teachers during the first year in the teaching profession in order to prevent them from drop-out. Also, the results are used to develop specific professionalization activities for teachers in schools (for example professional learning communities).

Harmen Schaap received different grants, for example a grant for policy research towards teacher agency in the context of different professionalization initiatives and a grant for fundamental scientific research towards well-being and burn-out of early-career teachers and experienced teachers in primary, secondary and vocational education (both funded by the Nederlands Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek).

Research theme Research group



Ancillary activities