Dr L.P.J. Selen (Luc)

Assistant professor - Donders Centre for Cognition
Assistant professor - Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Assistant professor - Sensorimotor Neuroscience

Dr L.P.J. Selen (Luc)
Visiting address

Thomas van Aquinostraat 4

Postal address

Postbus 9104

Luc Selen is an assistant professor in Sensorimotor control at the Donders Institute. Before that he worked as a postdoc in the Computational and Biological Learning Lab of Daniel Wolpert in Cambridge, UK. His PhD-research was carried out at the Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Under supervision of Jaap van Dieen and Peter Beek he finished his thesis on the role of joint impedance in attenuating the effects of neuromuscular noise on movement kinematics. From the same institution he received his MSc, "summa cum laude", in "Coordination, Learning and Development".
Luc's research interests can be best summarized as on on how humans are able to interact effectively and efficiently with their environment, given uncertainty due to internal- and external noise and ambiguity. His research on internal noise has mainly focused on how impedance/stiffness control contributes in generating stable arm movements despite the destabilizing effects of internally generated neuromotor noise. Furthermore, he investigates how partial and noisy information about task goals are incorporated in motor preparation. In the Sensorimotor Lab he started investigating the mechanisms underlying spatial perception in relation to vestibular information.

In 2010 Luc received a Veni-grant from NWO for a project on motor learning in accelerating environments.

Research theme Research group


Research grants and prizes


Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities