R. Silva Gargano (Rafael)

External PhD candidate - Metaphysics and philosophical anthropology

R. Silva Gargano (Rafael)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

Rafael Gargano holds a BA and MA in Philosophy at the University of São Paulo (USP). He is currently a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Brasília (UnB - Brazil) and at the Radboud University (Nijmegen - Netherlands) He did a period of research at the CIEPFC (Centre International d'Etude de la Philosophie Française Contemporaine) at the École Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS-Ulm), and he is a member of the Laboratory of Social Theory, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis of the Midwest (LATESFIP-CERRADO), under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Herivelto de Souza, located at the University of Brasília. He is also a member of SIPP (Société Internationale de Psychanalyse et Philosophie). He is currently in psychoanalytic training and is developing research on the intersections between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, more precisely identifying the role of Jean-François Lyotard's thought within the debates of European Freudo-Marxism in the second half of the 20th century.

Ancillary activities