Prof. A.M. Smelik (Anneke)

Professor emeritus - Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Professor emeritus - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

Prof. A.M. Smelik (Anneke)
Postal address

Postbus 9103

Professor (emerita) Anneke Smelik has published extensively on fashion, cinema, art, and popular media. She explores the image of the body in visual culture and in fashion, as a result of changing standards regarding beauty and perfection, an increasing obsession with visualization or an increasing fusion between human and machine. She is fascinated by the way in which fashion is used to create an 'authentic' identity. Her research focuses on the relation between fashion, identity and technology in a posthuman world. She also researches the cultural aspect of sustainability in fashion.

Research theme Research group


Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities