Prof. W.J.P. Stommel (Wyke)

Professor - Centre for Language Studies
Professor - Department of Language and Communication
Associate professor - Interdisciplinary Hub for Digitalization and Society

Prof. W.J.P. Stommel (Wyke)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday, Friday

My research concerns spoken and digital communication in institutional environments. Varying from video consultations in the medical domain to instant messaging for counseling and interaction with robots: on the basis of the methods of conversation analysis I study how people achieve goals, construct identities and build relationships step by step verbally and non-verbally in their communication. I frequently work in interdisciplinary teams, also in direct collaboration with (medical) professionals. Thus, the research directly contributes to/ provides new insights in their work.

Currently, I supervise:
- Marie Rickert (postdoc, digitalisation in adult L2 learning for professional purposes)
- Eniola Boluwaduro (postdoc, Nigerian doctor-patient interaction)
- Evi Dalmaijer (phd, digitalisation of (para)medical interaction and practice)
- Mieke Breukelman (phd, uncertainty in trans and intersex care)
- Lynn de Rijk (phd, non verbal communication with robots)
- Eline Wagelaar (research assistant, oral exams Dutch Literature in secondary school)

Furthermore, I work on methodological aspects of research, such as the ethics of research on digital data. In 2013, I co-initiated the Microanalysis Of Online Data (MOOD) network. For a review of our boek Analysing Digital Interaction see: :

Finally, I am affiliate of Radboud iHub for Digitalisation and Society, member of Radboud interfaculty research platform Diversity in Sex and Gender, and qualified communication trainer (CARM affiliate,


Research grants and prizes



Ancillary activities