Dr M.K. Termeer (Marleen)
Assistant professor - Ancient and Medieval History
Assistant professor - Radboud Institute for Culture and History
Erasmusplein 1
Postbus 9103
My research focuses on the rise and development of Rome in the Republican period. I am interested in broad historical themes, such as city and state formation, colonization, political culture, and cultural identity, and particularly in processes of Mediterranean cultural interaction that shape the formation of a Roman world. In this general context, my research has focused on the introduction of coinage in the Roman world.
With a background in Mediterranean Archaeology, I like to use both material and textual sources in my research. I have ample experience conducting archaeological fieldwork in Italy, mainly in the region of Molise, but also in Lazio, Puglia and Sicily. I still enjoy my regular research stays in Rome and elsewhere in Italy.
Since 2022, I am a member of the Radboud Young Academy.