Prof. J. Tolsma (Jochem)

Resmas director - Education Committee Social and Cultural Science (Researchmaster)
Associate professor - Radboud Social Cultural Research
Associate professor - Sociology

Prof. J. Tolsma (Jochem)
Visiting address

Houtlaan 4

Postal address

Postbus 9102

Jochem Tolsma is associate professor at the Sociology Department and the programme director of the Research Master Social and Cultural Science.
In his research he focuses on the causes and consequences of segregation in neighbourhoods, schools and friendship networks. His NWO VENI grant dealt with the consequences of ethnic diversity on social cohesion. He is the co-promotor of Joran Laméris who in her NWO talent grant studies the theoretical mechanisms underlying neighbourhood effects on social cohesion. As co-promotor of Thomas Feliciani (RUG) he is involved in research investigating how segregation affects opinion polarization. He further investigates the extent to which educational attainment is becoming the new social cleavage within the Dutch society.
Tolsma tests theoretical deduced hypothesis with a wide array of quantitative research methods.
Tolsma has been involved in the collection of several large scale panel surveys such as CrimeNL, together with Statistics Netherlands, and the second wave of the NEtherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study (NELLS). With colleagues he will be responsible for the collection of the sixth wave of the Family Survey Dutch Population.



Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities