T.J. Vennmanns (Tom)

PhD candidate - Private Law

T.J. Vennmanns (Tom)
Visiting address

Montessorilaan 10

Postal address

Postbus 9049

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Tom J. Vennmanns holds a LL.B. degree in European Law (2016), a LL.M. degree in Dutch (Private) Law (cum laude, 2018) and a LL.M. degree in European Law and Global Affairs (cum laude, 2021) from Radboud University Nijmegen and a LL.M. degree in German Law (magna cum laude, 2019) from Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. His studies also led him to Stockholm (Stockholm University) and Taipei (National Taiwan University).

As of June 2020 he works as a PhD-candidate Smart Contracts & Dispute Resolution at the faculty. Before joining Radboud University, he worked as a Research assistant at the Institute for International Business Law/Chair of Civil Law, Philosophy of Law and Private International Law at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, worked in various international law firms in the Netherlands and Germany and gained experience in the European Parliament.

Tom specializes in private international law, international sales law (CISG), European private law, alternative and online dispute resolution (ADR/ODR), consumer law, general German and Dutch contract and commercial law, as well as IT law. His research focuses on the challenges of the digital age and especially on the question how digital legal infrastructure (Legal Tech) as smart contracts, blockchain technology and online dispute resolution platforms (ODR) can guarantee access to justice, improve state court proceedings and make them more effective and accessible.

Due to a close cultural, academic and practice-oriented connection with Germany and the Netherlands, Tom engages to overcome barriers and obstacles between the two countries and bring together and connect both cultures and nations. His function is part of the Landelijk Sectorplan Digital Legal Studies en Conflictoplossende Instituties. Through his research, he is connected to the Research Centre for State and Law (STeR) and the Radboud Business Law Institute (OO&R).




Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities