Prof. H. Vermeulen (Hester)

Professor - Faculty of Medical Sciences (Radboudumc)

Prof. H. Vermeulen (Hester)
Visiting address

Kapittelweg 54
6525 EP Nijmegen
Internal postal code: route

Nursing Science
Vermeulen (Ooostzaan 1967) has been appointed as full professor of Nursing Science at Radboud University of Nijmegen the Netherlands. She is a nurse and clinical epidemiologist

Evidence Based Quality Improvement
In 2006 she obtained her PhD on research into Evidence-based improvements in postoperative care: at the interface between nursing and medicine. Before she worked as a senior researcher at Academic Medical Center at the University of Amsterdam and as a associated professor Evidence Based Perioperative Care at University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Excellence in Nursing
Her research focuses on the support of common nursing procedures which releates to fundamental and person centered care. This to increase the quality, safety, effectiveness and personcenteredness of care and also the professionalism of nurses. With special attention for nursing sensitive outcomes both on patient (eg infection, malnutrition, pain, delirium, communication, participation, selfmangagement, professional (professionalism, burnout, intention to leave) and organizational (costs and quality) level. For this she uses innovative and rigorous research designs.

Trias Academica; Practice, Education and Research
Hester Vermeulen has gained national prominence by implementing the evidence-based ideas for nurses to so-called "rituals in healthcare". And lately for her plea for Clinical Academic Career Pathways to improve crossfertilisation between practice, education and research, ultimately to deliver high-quality care to patients.

National activitiies
She is chair of the board committee guidelines of the V & VN, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Netherlands Institute for Care, a member of the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects of Health, editor of the Dutch Journal of Evidence Based Practice, member of the editorial board of Nurse Academy and editor of several books.


Ancillary activities