Dr C.L. Vlessing (Clara)

Postdoc - Department of Modern Languages and Cultures
Postdoc - Radboud Institute for Culture and History

Dr C.L. Vlessing (Clara)
Visiting address

Erasmusplein 1

Postal address

Postbus 9103

Clara Vlessing is an interdisciplinary scholar in the humanities, currently working as a postdoctoral researcher on the NWO NWA-ORC project Heritages of Hunger at Radboud University and as a lecturer in Literary Studies at Utrecht University. Trained in comparative literature, her work looks at the relationship between memory and social movements with particular attention to the role of gender. She teaches cultural analysis across media; theories of memory, decolonisation and gender; and creative and academic writing. In 2023 she defended her PhD "Remembering Revolutionary Women: The Cultural Afterlives of Louise Michel, Emma Goldman and Sylvia Pankhurst”. Since 2022 she has been co-chair of the Memory Studies Association’s Memory and Activism Working Group and is an active member of the Comics Studies group at the University of Amsterdam. She has also held organisational roles with the International Auto/biography Association and Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies. Her expertise on the cultural remembrance of radical women is reflected in peer-reviewed articles (Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 2021, Social History/Histoire Sociale 2023), book chapters (The Visual Memory of Protest, AUP 2023) and a forthcoming co-edited collection (Remembering Contentious Lives, Palgrave).

Curriculum Vitae

Ancillary activities