A.S. de Vries (Sophia)
Teacher - Philosophy of Law
Montessorilaan 10
Postbus 9049
Sophia de Vries is a legal and philosophical scholar with a broad interest in law and justice. With a background in Military Law (Utrecht University, University of Amsterdam) and in philosophy (University of Amsterdam, Antwerp university) she now works as a teacher and PhD candidate at Radboud University.
De Vries explores how nature can best be protected through law. But what is nature? Why does it need protection? And how should the protection be laid down in law? This research is prompted by three major developments in law that aim to protect nature. These are the criminalization of ecocide, the rights of nature movement, and the acknowledgement of the human right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment. De Vries aims to offer a new conceptual framework that can serve as a basis for future policy and research.