Dr A.Z. de Vries (Lyke)
Employee - Research & Impact Strategy
Lyke de Vries works as an advisor in research finance and is, among others, responsible for research policy and nominations at Radboud University.
Previously she was a research fellow and lecturer in the history of philosophy at Radboud University. Her research takes an interdisciplinary approach, and focuses on the roots and development of modern concepts of change and progress. Lyke is interested in the emergence of "universal reformation," and analyses the close relation of changes within various fields, including in medicine, religion, natural philosophy, and scientia more broadly.
Her book, entitled "Reformation, Revolution, Renovation: The Roots and Reception of the Rosicrucian Call for General Reform," has been published with Brill in 2021 (Open Access).
Lyke obtained her Master's degree (cum laude) in July 2015 from Radboud University. Her MA thesis was devoted to the history of Paracelsianism, and concentrated specifically on the official Catholic reception of Paracelsus' works. In May 2015, Lyke was awarded a PhD Scholarship in the Humanities from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In 2016, she received a scholarship from the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds to study at the University of Oxford.
She wrote her PhD thesis on "The Rosicrucian Reformation divini at humani: The Rosicrucian Call for Reform, Its Contents and Early Response" in Nijmegen and Oxford. In 2018, she was awarded a Christine Mohrmann Stipendium. Subsequently, she held research positions in Leiden, Nijmegen, and Amsterdam. She is now a fellow of Nijmegen's Center for the History of Philosophy and Science.
Further positions:
Content Editor and member of the Council of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC), see: www.ambix.org
contact: lyke.devries@ru.nl
- Early modern intellectual history and history of science