Dr W.W. Wissema (Wiep)

Employee - Economic Theory and Policy

Dr W.W. Wissema (Wiep)
Visiting address

Heyendaalseweg 141

Postal address

Postbus 9108

Working days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

For the transformation to a sustainable society, I am concerned with the adverse effects of economic growth and how to limit them. I studied environmental economics in Wageningen and did my PhD on an Irish CO2 tax in Dublin. I am now involved in local non-profit initiatives that focus on social and environmental goals such as meeting the neighbours, healthy food, more shaded and edible greenery in the neighbourhood, reuse and repair and learning from each other. I am working with three colleagues from two faculties on a project in which we investigate the institutional barriers such initiatives encounter if they want to have more impact and how to break through them.


Ancillary activities