Prof. J. Xu (Jian)
Professor - Plant & Animal Biology
Heyendaalseweg 135
Internal postal code: 30
Postbus 9010
My research aims to push our understanding of plant cell physiology (such as stem cell death, survival, and regeneration) to the systems level. This has the potential to yield an entirely different outlook on adaptation and evolution, which will help identify control mechanisms behind plant performance across genotypes and environments.
To this end, my strategy is to build on our strengths in live-cell imaging and single-cell analysis by developing innovative single-cell experimental systems and analytical tools, while at the same time assemble a team of experimental and computational biologists with interdisciplinary experience and complementary skills.
From a broader perspective, my long-term goal is to translate scientific knowledge into practical action for climate change adaptation and sustainable agriculture, such as to accelerate the creation and delivery of new heat/cold- and/or drought/flooding-tolerant crop varieties.