Dr A.C. Zillien (Caterina)

Postdoc - Environmental Science

Dr A.C. Zillien (Caterina)
Visiting address

Heyendaalseweg 135
Internal postal code: 89

Postal address

Postbus 9010

PhD project: SUSPECt

"Decision SUpport toolS for Risk-based Prioritization and Control of Contaminants of Emerging Concern"

The increasing number of chemicals entering the market and environment each day requires new and more efficient scientific approaches for assessing and managing chemical risks. SUSPECt tackles this challenge by integrating state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on emission estimation, fate modelling, and effect assessment of chemicals for which limited data are available into a set of decision support tools for contaminants of emerging concern (CEC). Water managers and other parties can use these tools to quantify the human and ecological risks of the current situation and of different future scenarios, e.g. after the introduction of product alternatives, emission reduction measures or enhanced water treatment facilities. The focus of my PhD project is on urban emissions of CEC which we assess as case study for the city of Nijmegen. SUSPECt is part of the CEC-partnership.



Ancillary activities