Look Who’s Talking

Towards Engaging Long-Term Interactions with Conversational Agents
3 January 2020 until 4 January 2025
Project member(s)
M.E. Basar (Erkan) MSc Prof. T. Bosse (Tibor) , Emiel Krahmer (co-promotor) , Dr I.H.E. Hendrickx (Iris) , Gert-Jan de Bruijn (co-promotor)
Project type

This project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between three universities from the Netherlands, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), working together to develop and test a new generation of conversational agents. The ​main aim is to create and field-test chatbots designed to develop and foster long-term engaging and human-like conversations with humans for two technologically and linguistically diverse domains (smoking cessation and promotion of safe sex) based on recent insights from artificial intelligence, computational linguistics, humanities, and social sciences.


Website: https://look.uvt.nl

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