Jongeren die gamen met vrienden bouwen sterkere banden op
Jongeren die gamen met vrienden bouwen sterkere banden op

SIG Designing Learning Experiences

In this Special Interest Group, participants think about implementing and intertwining analog and/or digital games or game elements in our education. Gamification can be used for teaching a wide variety of topics. Researchers from all faculties are therefore very welcome to join this SIG.


  • Sharing expertise on the use of gamification in higher education, research, training and knowledge sharing outside the university.
  • Create a creative sanctuary to experiment with new ideas.
  • Try out each other's game designs and provide feedback.
  • Evaluate the use and usefulness of gamification tools for different purposes.

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What is a Special Interest Group?

A Special Interest Group (SIG) consists of people who are united through their interest in an education-related topic. The Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre facilitates the SIG so they can research and delve deeper into the subject together.

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Contact information

Would you like to learn more and/or participate? Please contact Frank.