Student met VR-bril op
Student met VR-bril op

SIG eXtended Reality

Project type

eXtended Reality (XR) includes virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality and 360-degree videos. The participants of this Special Interest Group reflect on and share knowledge with each other about how these innovations can be used in education.


  • Create a community of XR education enthusiasts and professionals. Think, for example, of experts by experience, professionals, and support staff. In the first place, the most important thing to participate is that you are an interested person. Everyone is welcome.
  • Share knowledge with each other about the way in which XR can be used in education and thus inspire each other to use education creatively.
  • Map existing projects related to XR in education and support new projects. The intention is to make these projects more visible and accessible to interested parties.

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What is a Special Interest Group?

A Special Interest Group (SIG) consists of people who are united through their interest in an education-related topic. The Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre facilitates the SIG so they can research and delve deeper into the subject together.

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Contact information

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