Diversity and inclusion
In an increasingly diverse world, organizations realize that diversity is not only morally right, but also strategically beneficial. It stimulates innovation, strengthens customer relationships and creates a positive work environment. Radboud University offers future-proof knowledge and skills to help professionals respond to this socio-cultural transition.
Continuing education as a foundation for change
Leaders and managers must be able to promote an inclusive culture, combat discrimination and provide equal opportunities for all employees. Employees must be equipped with the knowledge and skills to work effectively together in diverse teams and to deal respectfully with differences.
Radboud University contributes to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. We strive for a just society in which diversity is celebrated and equal opportunities apply to all. A place where everyone feels valued and can reach their full potential.
Expand your knowledge and skills in the area of diversity and inclusion with the continuing education offerings provided by Radboud University. That way, you can effectively contribute to an inclusive culture in your organization and positive change in society as a whole.
Education for professionals at Radboud University
Incompany and tailor-made
Are you looking for a specific program on sustainability, but our offerings don't quite match your demand? We also offer continuing education on a tailor-made and incompany basis. With our substantive expertise in the field of sustainability, we translate your goals into a flexible learning program that matches your organization's sustainability issues.
Do you have any questions? Would you like study advice or coaching? Or are you interested in a tailor-made programme? We would be happy to help you! We are available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am until 5 pm.
Visiting address
Radboud Academy
Houtlaan 4
6525 XZ Nijmegen
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